~by Michael.Hall~ “In life, the person with the fewest blind spots win.” Farnam Street, The Great Mental Model “To know that we know what we know and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge” Confusius As a Meta-Coach, […]
If you are wanting to challenge your client and you do so without sufficient
rapport- the challenge is likely to come across as being pushy, demanding,
pressuring, or even manipulative.
So the ultimate challenge is a challenge to your client’s frames.
So prefame things, “If we find a problem or something that you think is ‘the
dark side,’ I want you to know that you are not the problem. If there is a
problem, the frame is the problem.”
Enacting meaning often takes the form of narrating a new story that you then tell yourself and others which you can then embody as a new way of being in the world.
The “PROGRAMMING” Of NLP There are lots of people who do not like the programming term in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. What is their problem? They have a semantic reaction to programming as if it means, and can only mean or carry connotations of, being “controlled, fated, […]
~ Article by DrL.Michael Hall & Shawn Dwyer ~ When NLP began and before it was called NLP, it was called Meta. It was called Meta from 1971 to 1975 before it received the new name, Neuro-Linguistic Programming in 1976. Why Meta? Because of the […]
When things go wrong. The solution is now at hand- let’s find out what’s missing or what’s interfering. If something is deficient, let’s fulfill it. If something in interfering, let’s identify it and replace it.
NLP is all you need. Because NLP and more specifically Neuro-Semantic NLP are incredibly rich domains that are most essentially a Communication Model
The Hierarchy of Needs which can be satisfied at the tangible level of things. These need-satisfactions can be quantified and measured.
~ Article by DrL.Michael Hall and Shawn Dwyer ~ Coaching and training often brings us in close contact with people who have (or think they have) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For nearly 25 years, our analysis is this- People are more […]