anger management
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Defusing Hotheaded Behaviour and Anger Management is about The Art of Disarming Someone Hot, Irrational and Stressed Out.

A program for more than anger management or domestic violence solutions, the 4 keys topics covered in this course are:
1. Anger management
2. Stress management
3. Communication
4. Emotional intelligence
The Goal is to provide enough information so that each of those topics can be used in a purposeful way in order to manage ones intense feelings that may impact your performance and relationship with others.
Key to success within this application based program is practice, practice, practice aswell as motivation to change.

Picture a line between the words passive and aggressive now. And at the middle point of this line lies assertiveness, a place where you work with others by finding the right words at the right time to express your feelings and thoughts.
Consequently anger management and defusing hotheaded behaviour is a program that makes the world safer, more collaborative and less stressful. Firstly being angry is not limited to any general context, race, sex or environment. We can even associate certain emotions with reactions due to the speed of thinking. However many people admit decisions based on their emotions and domestic violence and occupational violence is not far from anger.

Questions We Answer

As we seek to create a model to understand all of these, numerous questions come to mind;
• What causes all of this stress, frustration, fear, and anger?
• What causes or contributes to the lack of tolerance for life’s daily frustrations?
• So what do we need in order to feel empowered to handle such challenges?
• What skills and resources do we need in order to handle our aggressive energies and keep them challenged in constructive ways?
• How do we assist, facilitate, or coach stronger ‘ego strength” in others in facing disappointments, frustrations, and stresses?
• What not to do in these kinds of situations
How can we learn the skills for defusing people who have become hot, stressed-out and angry?

Anger Is A Normal Human Emotion

American psychiatry association say anger is a normal human emotion but it is a problem when it is;
• Too Intense
• Occurs to Frequency
• Last too long
• Impacts health
• Destroys relationships at work or school or intimate relationships
Consequently coaching deals with moving forward, psychotherapy deals with depression and to cope with daily life.
Many people do not get leaders training and that compounds a problem for as they do not have the competencies.
This is a structured training, positive competency in emotional intelligence, skills in relating to other people.

Current issues

Parental stress, aggression, and violence dramatically affect a child’s precision learning. Children who are anxious, depressed, or preoccupied with their own safety (or the safety of other family members) tend to have trouble concentrating, remembering, or even following simple instructions. Such children often lack basic trust and are prone to mirror their parent’s behavior. Many suffer from undiagnosed and untreated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Schools, Justice Departments, Family law courts and Children services departments are beginning to respond to the epidemic of family violence by recommending, ordering, and providing social emotional learning classes for children and their parents. The cost in terms of resources, lives, and social entitlements are beginning to register.

What Others Are Saying

Phil Ainsworth, Mental Health Nurse – Greater Western Health District
Defusing Hot Heads…….Evaluation…..
Being a known hothead I felt I could definitely benefit from this course.
At work I also have to deal with many people in a hotheaded situation, so keeping a calm self centred and focused head is vital for not only myself, but also for my colleagues.
I feel being centred leads me to being more in control of myself, I am calmer. I don’t wave my arms around and now I keep a calm demeanor.
I found the techniques discussed and taught in the three day course was especially good on how to talk to and keep a situation and person calm, and including myself. My inner conflict is being calmed and I learnt how to become a more effective communicator in the hothead environment.
I also realise noise is a big issue for me and after the 3 day course, there are techniques which led me to realise it is not the noise that makes me angry, but I myself am angry at the noise. There is a huge difference, it is internal, and I can fix this, so now I deep breathe, and realise noise cannot cause me or anyone cannot actually affect me, I make it happen all to myself.
Finally, As the days progress, I will progress as I have already on the evolutionary table with techniques I have learnt. I feel with continuing the practice of the training, I will be less of a hothead and will deal with irrational behaviour in a more professional manner in work and home. Regards, Nurse, Phil.

Donnah Chown CINC Family Support Worker
I believe that this program is helpful in understanding your self as well as assisting Hot Heads and Other Cranky People.

Harry Williams – CINC Community Engagement
We learnt everything that I wanted too! Very helpful. In this course is useful information.

  • To get the message across to the clients
  • Enable to discuss information to help clients
  • To get trained to make it enjoyable
  • Learning tools for different people
  • Vision on their opinions

Contact us for more details or download the free brochure here

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Emotional Intelligence Coaching

While anger is neither an illness nor an addiction, counselling, psychotherapy, rehab, or psychotropic medication is inappropriate and ineffective for teaching skills in anger management.
The most effective intervention for anger management is emotional intelligence coaching for impulse control in addition to education from this program. This program is designed through extensive practical application by reactively aggressive youth, maximum penitentiary inmates to top level executives.

Way of Life

Especially relevant for anger and hotheaded behaviour is that we really need to reflect on the status quo in the world. So in spite of all of our new technology that has been designed to create more safety, protection, and efficiency for us, in many ways modern life has actually become increasingly stressful and dangerous.

Anger Is A Daily Issue In Society

Yet the media has made us abundantly aware of the increased presence of violent responses to the events of daily life. Hence crimes of hate, anger, frustration, and stress continue to be perpetuated in every town and city on a daily basis. So not surprisingly, it is mostly perpetuated by members of one’s own family. While “Road Rage” has become the rage of many professional journals.
Finally, anger control classes have become a prescribed ‘punishment’ of the courts. As a result, apparently there’s a lot of anger in the world today. Especially relevant is the current NSW approaches are limited and now here is a new approach with proven results.

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Learn Strategies For Anger Management And Defusing Hotheaded behaviour

Finally learn how to manage these kinds of cranky people and how to defuse them from stress, frustration, fear, hurt and anger, whilst buying into anger.
Most noteworthy of not recognizing emotions and their triggers is experiencing an emotion as the result of a cause-and-effect relationship. Hence this is like a stimulus and reaction. Because this makes life as if you are not able to apply a choice point in between the stimulus and your reaction.

Freedom Exists Between Stimulus And Response

As a result, we go through this approach extensively to develop competence in human response.
We do so by learning and practising the state of the art skills in State Management. Whilst this will put into our hands the very skills for effectively defusing someone who in a “Hothead” (ie angry, frustrated, stressed out, irritated, and irrational) state.
Gain a solid understanding of what causes your emotions, making it is much easier to regulate your behavior. Learn to control the impact your emotions have on those you live with, work with and yourself. Consequently a less destructive environment exists when you are in touch with your emotions and when you manage them in a way that is healthy for you and your relationships.
In addition participants learn how emotions impact team morale, collaborative relationships, and individual performance.

Skills For Defusing

Most of all you can gain skills and competency to facilitate resourcefulness in a hotheaded behaviour. Hence work with that person to use more of his or her rational skills and enable yourself and others to become more effective in their speech, thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
• Discover 20 specific defusing skills.
• Learn 5 things Never to say to a person in a hothead state.
• Install 9 Principles of communication are for managing the process and turn these into your own frames of reference.
• Walk through the defusing strategy – The Art of Disarming Someone Hot, Irrational & Stressed multiple times to get it installed as one of your states of excellence.
• Complete the Pre and Post Emotional Intelligence Assessments
• And we offer a flexible schedule including SKYPE and on-site services.

Program Content

Since anger is neither an illness nor an addiction, counseling, psychotherapy, rehab, or psychotropic medication is inappropriate and ineffective for teaching skills in anger management.
The most effective intervention for anger management is Emotional Intelligence coaching for impulse control.

Focus Areas

Given this, we focus on these areas;
• Develop high level skills in accessing and maintaining your own personal centredness
• Access the “presence of mind” and flexibility in the face of a Hot Stressed-out person so that you can stay focused
• Learn the two cues that signal the brain to go into the stress response patterns.
• Distinguish a person’s behaviour from his or her person.
• Effectively facilitate resourcefulness in a hothead in order to get that person to use more of his or her rational skills
• Discover 20 specific defusing skills.
• Learn 5 things Never to say to a person in a hothead state.
• Install 9 Principles of communication for managing the process and turn these into your own frames of reference.
• Walk through the Defusing Process multiple times to get it installed as one of your states of excellence.
• Operate from your own Power Zone and Power Bubble for resourcefulness
• Learn the secret of “flying into a Non-Defensive State” in a split second.
• Discover the kind of language that allows you to say almost anything to anybody and not only “get by with it” but invite a problem-solving conversation.
• Develop skill with state interrupt skills.
• Heal any phobias about conflict, criticism, or rejection.
• Integrate resourceful feelings into elegant ways of languaging things.
Develop skill in modeling excellence in managing your own anger, stress, and frustration
• And much more

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Scoring Low in EQ

Persons With Addictive Disorders Often Score Low in Emotional Intelligence
Giving up an addiction is an important first step, but it is not usually enough to ensure future success in impulse control, empathy, social awareness or relationship management. This is because there will usually be a reason for why the person fell into substance abuse in the first place and that reason is likely to be still there. One of the most common motives for turning to alcohol or drugs is poor skills in emotional self-awareness and the inability to deal with emotions in general. This occurs because the individual lacks or have deficits in emotional intelligence. These multi-dimensional concepts are thoroughly and easily dealt with.

Service Guarantee

If you are dissatisfied with the training by noon of the first day, you can ask for a refund and it will be completely refund except for $30 AUD for administrative costs. There will be no refunds after the first day.

You’ll Receive

• 21 hours of face to face contact time
• Certification – Defusing Hotheads with The Coaching Centre- Australia.
• Pathway towards the Accelerated Excellence level
• Full colour, Self-Leadership training manual
• Coffee on arrival and morning and afternoon refreshments each day (when face to face).

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