

Neuro–Semantic Leadership at The Coaching Centre Neuro-Semantics is a field of study that focuses on how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected. It proposes that by changing our internal dialogue, we can change the way we perceive and interact with the world, ultimately improving […]

Shawn Dwyer - Managing Coach - The Coaching Centre

What is a MetaCoach?

What is a MetaCoach A metacoach is a type of coach who specializes in teaching individuals how to coach themselves effectively. This approach is based on the principles of Neuro-Semantics, which is a field of study that focuses on how the brain processes and interprets […]

Homework Assignments

Homework Assignments

Homework Assignments allows your client to do the work and to be capable for themselves. A cognitive distortions list one of the assignments we provide for you to discover your inner thinking and feeling expressions

Good Life

The Values of a Good Life

It is living from the inside-out. That means that when you are living the good life, you are self-regulating, and make your own choices about life. You are living for those highest values-the being values.