∼ Co-Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Shawn Dwyer ∼ To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead As a leader how do you coach effectively and interact with work colleagues and clients? This article will explain by using coaching skills that we are able […]
COACHING PERSISTENCE Persistence is crucial for life, here is how. At the heart of coaching is setting goals in an intelligent way. It is about goals that call upon you and I to step up and begin to unleash our highest potentials. And one of […]
Resistance – The Lack of Rapport When it comes to communication, leadership, relationship management, even parenting rapport – it is most common, and very easy, to blame the other person when there is resistance, and therefore the lack of rapport. “He’s a very resistant person!” […]
Every Behaviour Has a Positive Intention ~ Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall Understanding Positive Intention with the use of basic NLP concepts deal with human nature and are stated in the following forms: “Every behavior is useful in some context.” “Every behavior has a positive intention.” […]
Getting to The Meanings Behind The Words ~ Dr.L.Michael Hall To be able to achieve “deep listening”, you have to learn how to deal with words as symbols and question them to get to the references and meanings they refer to. By themselves, words do […]
Emotional Awareness In one of The Coaching Centre coach mentoring programs last week a coach asked “why do people not understand that their emotions are only emotions and not commands, when do we gain effective emotional awareness?”. I asked “have you ever been had by […]
Meta-Modeling As a Coaching Style – by Michael Hall everything in NLP came from the Meta-Model ~ Richard Bandler The problem with Coaching Essentials is that we only devote one day to the Meta-Model of Language in your training. In NLP Practitioner training that usually […]
Receiving Feedback “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” -Ken Blanchard • Do you receive personal and informal feedback like a pro? • How does a professional receive feedback that shaped their skills into expertise? Almost no one has been trained in taking feedback effectively. So […]
The power and potential of Teams: “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Every business is, by definition, a group. Therefore the success of every business is dependent upon the […]
DESIGN COACHING CONFIDENCE – COACH/MANAGER SUPERVISION Designing your own coaching confidence is about Coach Mentoring and Supervision programs that are focused on developing your skill to become a professional communicator. these skills include; Professional Communication and Coach accessibility in Mentoring for material comprised of NLP […]