The Conversation That You Can't Have

~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Lots of conversations are easy and breezy, we chat away, gossiping a little here and there and seldom do we even remember much of what was said. Such are light and shallow conversations. Then there are […]

Coaching Essentials

Getting to The Meanings Behind The Words ~ Dr.L.Michael Hall To be able to achieve “deep listening”, you have to learn how to deal with words as symbols and question them to get to the references and meanings they refer to. By themselves, words do […]

Receiving Feedback

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” -Ken Blanchard • Do you receive personal and informal feedback like a pro? • How does a professional receive feedback that shaped their skills into expertise? Almost no one has been trained in taking feedback effectively. So most of […]

What ever happened to abundance?

Abundance and Scarcity Applied to the Regional Community Whatever Happened To ‘Abundance’? Did the Scarcity Meme Gobble it Up? As you look out onto “the community” does it strike you (as it does me) that we have an abundance of the Scarcity Model and a […]