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The Coaching Centre works with regional government, business, managers and leaders to enable our clients to unleash their daily frustrations and align solution oriented action.

Develop your leading capacity through clarity and strategic performance, especially in new and uncharted territory.

We notice the infectious positive attitude of our clients succeeding whilst managing accountability in their work, family lives and meaningful relationships.

What is Coaching? 

In Meta-Coaching, coaching is the art of facilitating an individual or organisation to a specific agreed upon outcome via a ruthlessly compassionate conversation that flushes out the Meta coaching core of meanings of the client and identifies and mobilises inner and outer resources to develop, unleash, and actualise the client’s potentials for achieving their dreams.
As meta-coaches, I believe in the dignity and integrity of every human being. I am committed to eliciting the inherent resourcefulness of every client. Through an interactive dialogue process, we aim for the development of high quality strategies and solutions that you as the client design and moves toward. As coaches we are respectful and protective of each client’s vulnerability whilst constructively holding the client to a high standard of responsibility and accountability. As coaches we work to be objective and competent in our practices.

A Meta-Coach is an expert in the meta-discipline of facilitating the processes for self-actualising. Hence as a meta-field coaching supports, enables, empowers, questions, and facilitates the expertise of the client. Therefore the client is the expert in his or her own life, in his or her own visions, dreams, values, potentials, and passions. As an expert in process, the coach does not determine what the client needs or wants. So whilst your coach has no informed agenda to impose on you, he facilitates the process of you deciding on your own outcomes. Lastly, a Meta-Coach is a world-wide high quality coach that works with rigorous models and standards, far above any other coaching models.

Every coaching relationship begins with building rapport and seeing if we can work together. Then the articulation of the terms for a coaching client relationship. Coaching with Shawn Dwyer is in a clear, written communication or agreement. Whilst this will include the nature of the services, boundaries, the coach’s perspectives, a statement of the client’s rights, terms of the contract, times, frequency, methods of communication, and fee schedule.

Clients and Business Associates of The Coaching Centre