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0439 194 323


The Coaching Centre provide certified meta-coaches who are internationally recognised through the most rigorous coaching system. This ensures your goals are achieved and results driven by you. We support you to reach them!
Coaching is for those who are ready for the challenge to step up and get more out of life than what they currently have. Coaching could be to identify blind spots, unleash more potential or achieve competency in a skill you wish you had. The Coaching Centre have coached people from 7 years of age to 77 years of age.
Effective coaching is about the Current way of being to a New way of being to show up in behaviour and attitudes that enable more abundant living. If it is not relevant to now, is it relevant?
Our programs actually have never been rejected by any participant who has interest. We offer the highest training quality in the world and back up our public programs with a money back guarantee.
Whether you inform anyone that knows you about your coaching program is entirely your choice. In our experience many people ask our clients “how did you get so excellent at ‘X’ skill? From our perspective, our services are highly confidential.
Our public trainings are learner centred so you will participate in activities to learn with other learners, and this make it even more fun. If you are not willing to learn, then let us know before enrolling.