This Thing Called "DEPRESSION"

~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ We are now heading into the Christmas season and all of the holidays from Thanksgiving to New Years. For many this is the season to be jolly, however for others, ’tis the season to be depressed. […]

Power Conversations

~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Like sex, money, and religion- power is both highly desired and greatly feared and even more, difficult to talk about. Yet we must. Power is everywhere in life, ever-present, and inescapable. But how can we have […]

Unpacking The Depth Of Coaching Conversations

~Written by Michael Hall~ Unpacking The Depth And Finding The Critical Things In A Coaching Conversation If you start from the idea that hidden inside of your client’s statement are much deeper references, then you will more likely to slow the coaching conversation down and […]

The Conversation That You Can't Have

~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Lots of conversations are easy and breezy, we chat away, gossiping a little here and there and seldom do we even remember much of what was said. Such are light and shallow conversations. Then there are […]

The Self Matrix

The Self Matrix And Your Unconditional Value Do you deserve to be here? Do you deserve the things you have, your opportunities, your friends, your place in life, your loved ones? Strange questions. Yet people commonly ask themselves these questions. They wonder about whether they […]

Positive Intention

Every Behaviour Has a Positive Intention ~ Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall Understanding Positive Intention with the use of basic NLP concepts deal with human nature and are stated in the following forms: “Every behavior is useful in some context.” “Every behavior has a positive intention.” […]


More Than Just Self Confidence -> Self-Efficacy ~ Dr.L.Michael Hall While self-confidence is good, there is something that goes far beyond self-confidence and something that would really enrich your life. Interested? Yes, I’m talking about self-efficacy. So what is that? Confidence in yourself refers to […]

Supportive Leadership – Part 5

Supportive Leadership – Part 5 In this 7 part Supportive Leadership series, we will go through the leadership skills you require to be an effective business leader, manager and a highly effective communicator. To understand anything we have to frame it. That is, we have […]

Can You Manage Your State?

Written By Shawn Dwyer As a human being and as an effective communicator, we are never not in a state, we’re always in some kind of state. A state is a mind-body-emotion experience. So when you are communicating with your clients, what state is your […]