Creative Solutions

Civil Conversations

We all know tht NLP is a communication model. It is also a linguistic model and specifically, a neuro-linguistic model-we study how language affects neurology. When you study NLP, you study the Meta-Model and learn how words work to create experiences, emotions, and sense of […]

NLP Practitioner Meta NLP Practitioner Career and Life Coach


NLP as an attitude. “NLP is an attitude, backed up by a methodology that leaves behind it a trail of techniques” Now if that is true, and I think it is, then what is the NLP attitude? And do you have it? Many, if not a great many, people trained in NLP do not have the NLP attitude. What explains that? There is in my opinion an understandable reason why that is the case.


The “PROGRAMMING” Of NLP There are lots of people who do not like the programming term in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. What is their problem? They have a semantic reaction to programming as if it means, and can only mean or carry connotations of, being “controlled, fated, […]


~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD and Shawn Dwyer ~ The failure to thoroughly learn the Meta-Model as the basic NLP Communication Model is one of the biggest challenges we have in getting coaches prepared. It is also the biggest problem we have in helping […]

Learn NLP in Orange Regional NSW

Learn How To Run Your Own Brain With NLP At The Coaching Centre NLP communication has been around for many decades yet people still have not heard of what NLP can do to increase the quality of life. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and […]

Name Calling Shuts Down Healthy Thinking

Primitive Thinking that Shuts Thinking Down All politicians all do it. At least, I can’t think of a single politician who doesn’t do it. Yet in name-calling, they are actually practicing a very primitive form of thinking. Rather it is one that is appropriate for […]

The Conversation That You Can't Have

~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Lots of conversations are easy and breezy, we chat away, gossiping a little here and there and seldom do we even remember much of what was said. Such are light and shallow conversations. Then there are […]