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Self Improvement

The focus and intention for the Orange self improvement is to live better

Are you new to town or looking for a group in Orange that is about being healthy and developing?
First of all leadership and commitment is community driven at Orange self improvement live better, and vital to the ongoing growth and professional development of all community members, anyone interested in self development strategies, leaders wanting more of an edge, professionals wanting real professional development (not basic industry compliance training and meetings), consultants, coaches, trainers and those interested in learning self improvement live better for themselves.
Another point is group practice sessions are for everyone to practice and develop their advanced communication skills, to be able to receive high quality feedback and to gain more depth in their understanding of living a great quality of life and live better.

What to wear?

Since we get to move around the room throughout the evening, wear whatever you are comfortable in.

Where to go?

Most of all our self improvement practice group is on the first Wednesday of every month from 6pm-8pm, we charge $10 to cover basic administration and logistics costs.
The Coaching Centre
212 Anson St Plaza
Suite 3 (upstairs)
Orange, NSW

What will we cover at self improvement?

Since the group welcomes people from any and every school and we make the focus of the practice group – practicing Meta-Coach models and processes. Hence, meta-coaching is advanced communication strategies and techniques
Furthermore, the application sessions we use only the Meta-Coaching benchmarks or Meta-NLP material where you will have loads of fun, learning and growing! So bring along a friend

Finally, local people supporting local people to live better!

Hence the upcoming dates and curriculum (curriculum may be subject to change)
6pm – 8pm each night on the following dates
• April 5th Coaching benchmarks and the Advanced Communications Model
• May 3rd Listening and Supporting
• June 7th States & Meta States – Managing, Anchoring and Inducing
• July 5th Precision Questioning – The Meta Model & WFO
• August 2nd Meta Questioning & Frame Intelligence
• September 6th Coaching to Metaprograms
• October 4th Strategies & Modelling
• November 1st How to have Meaningful Conversations
• December 6th Coaching to Timelines

So we look forward to seeing you in the Centre!

Finally, for more information, please ring Shawn on 0439194323 or contact us;

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The Coaching Centre Training Programs
