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self actualisation Leadership Diploma you one to get more out of life

Self Actualisation Orange

People are always looking for the mechanisms to change. The Self Actualisation Leadership Diploma provides the exact benefits.
Are you bored of the repetitive tasks and sick of having no motivation at the end of the day. Are you disheartened and basically struggling at times, too much? Do you want to continue that relentless struggle? Do you believe you have more potentials? Are you prepared to apply effective knowledge and skills to make a difference for your life? Most of us don’t do it very well, we might be commanding on the wrong things and forcing ourselves and that’s just not going to work. Even if a person is not being coached or not coaching, we are still looking for change because it’s a human process, it occurs inside of every human being anyway and so learning how to take control of that would be a great value. Exploringing what this field is and how this field is helping the human race to rise up and to be better would be another great value of self actualisation psychology.
This program is designed to solve several problems related to leadership and personal development. These problems include:

  • Lack of self-awareness: Many people do not completely understand their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals, which can hinder their ability to be effective leaders across the contexts of life.
  • Ineffective leadership skills: Some people may lack the skills needed to be effective leaders, such as communication, critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.
  • Limited understanding of human behavior: Leaders need to understand human behavior and motivation to effectively lead and manage their teams. The days of control and command are over!
  • Inability to inspire and motivate others: Effective leaders need to be able to inspire and motivate their teams to achieve goals collaboratively.
  • Lack of personal growth and development: Successful leaders continuously grow and develop their skills and knowledge.
  • Overall, this course is designed to help participants become effective leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams, understand human behavior and motivation, and continue to grow and develop personally and professionally.

    Self Actualisation Psychology

    The Coaching Centre has the methodology for self actualization. And so learning about what thriving is through the mechanisms for self actualisation, would be a great value. Be inspired to become fully alive, and fully human! Is that of interest? Are you ready to take charge of life, now? Do you want that?
    The Self Actualisation Leadership Diploma is designed for 12 to 14 days of training scattered over 6 to 12 months. Talk with us about how our next group of participants are preparing for the journey.

    • Module I: 3 days Unleashing Vitality
    • Module II: 3 days Unleashing Potentials
    • Module III: 3 days Unleashing Creativity
    • Module VI: 3 days Unleashing Leadership

    Watch this quick video on self actualisation

    Self Actualisation Leadership Diploma

    There are many dimensions of self actualisation, and maybe there are as many dimensions as there are aspects of human experience. As we at The Coaching Centre keep studying, researching, training, coaching, and consulting on self-actualisation and enabling people to live a self-actualising life, we are discovering new dimensions. To this end, we have designed the Self-Actualisation Pyschology, Training, Certification, Competency skills, and Diploma around four of the key dimensions: vitality, potentiality, creativity, and leadership. These are very different aspects of the self-actualising life and so each of these are very different as well.

    The Vitality Dimension – Biological Self-Actualisation

    The focus in the first module is on identifying a person’s basic and higher needs so that a person can adequately and truly satisfy those needs. When a person succeeds in doing this, it results in vitality-energy and motivation to live more fully and humanly. It enables a you to discover your real self and to be authentically you. How about that!? How much is that worth? What then results from this vitality dimension of biological self-actualisation is authenticity- being real and authentic in yourself as a person.

    After all, if you do not have vitality and energy to live your life with focus and passion, then you will not be able to be your best self or fulfil your visions and values. It takes energy for the effort of self-actualising. Where can you get that kind of energy? That energy comes from the built-in drives within your mind-body system. These drives are instinct-like but without content information. So you have to learn. You have to learn what these drives are and how to adequately and truly satisfy them. Do that, and then as they go away, the next level of drives emerge. Eventually, you move beyond the lower needs to the higher being-needs that are the truly human needs that enables us to be fully alive, fully human.

    The Potentiality Dimension – Psychological Self-Actualisation

    Focus in the second module refers to what is potential in human beings which can be made actual and therefore real in your everyday life. To find, identify, and develop your potentials, begin by taking on the challenge of owning and exercising your human powers as a meaning-making in constructing great and positive meanings and also in releasing limiting meanings. We refer to this as entering into the Construct and taking ownership of these powers. This lies at the heart of The Coaching Centre.

    Doing that then allows you to create a human crucible whereby you can release old meanings that no longer serve you and which may, in fact, create leashes that prevent the unleashing of potentials. From this then you can create the synergy of integrating meanings and performance as you move into “the zone” of optimum performance and do so at your will. The result that follows from this is a being-doing synergy that allows you to close the knowing-doing gap.

    This is the core experience of self-actualising and we talk about it as an experience in three acts: The construct, the crucible, and the zone. After all, self-actualisation is a function of “both contemplation and action” (Maslow) or as we say, meaning and performance (challenge and competence). To taking ownership of meaning-making powers and ownership of your core powers from which every skill is made enables you to act on your highest meanings and sacrilize your everyday activities. That’s the synergy of self-actualisation. Would you like that?

    The Creativity Dimension – Existential Self-Actualisation

    The focus in the third model is that of creativity. Maslow described the first creativity is that of creating your self, that is, hearing your inner voice and unleashing your potentials (covered in the second module). After that, your power of creativity does not end, it only shifts gear so that instead of creating your best self, you move outside of yourself to addressing the problems of the real or external world. That’s why self-actualising people are, by nature, highly creative and inventive. Unleashing your creative powers in creating your self now take a new form as you use them for problem-solving the problems that we have in human societies, businesses, governments, etc.

    The third module of the Self Actualisation Leadership Diploma is about creativity and innovation and to facilitate that we use four conversations- four well-formed conversations. The first is the well-formed outcome conversation to set out a vision and mission. Next is the well-formed problem conversation by which we identify and solve the problems that interfere with achieving our goals. Next comes the well-formed solutions conversation wherein we brainstorm solutions and choose to fully invent the best solution. Finally, the well-formed innovation conversation which, of course, is for innovating the solutions that transforms the problems and enables you to actualize the vision that you began with. The result of this is a professional communication style that is a coaching facilitation style by which you become a highly skilled problem-solver.

    Thrive With The Leadership Dimension Sociological Self-Actualisation

    Furthermmore, the focus of the four module is on leadership. After all, to unleash your own or another’s potentials for creative solutions is to bring out the best in yourself and/or others. That’s what leadership is-bringing out the best in others and to lead to creating self-actualising homes, businesses, communities, etc. Self-actualising leadership is situational and functional and is something everyone who is self-actualising can do. After all, we need good, caring, visionary, competent leaders in every home, every area of life, and at every level. The result of this is the ability to create and innovate humanistic communities among any and all groups of people.

    Self-Actualising couples, families, businesses, associations, companies, and countries, however, do not just happen. They have to be envisioned and then created by self-actualising leaders. And given the current crisis in leadership in every area and dimension of life, we really need much more mature and creative leaders in the world today.

    These are the four dimensions of self-actualisation that we present in the four trainings and when we combine them, this leads to a Diploma in Self-Actualisation Psychology. If you are interested, contact us.
    The Diploma of Leadership and Management is available right now.

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