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Rural Women In Leadership

Rural Life

Unleash Your Highest And Best Potentials

Rural Women in Leadership

Leaders define reality, pioneer a new future, and create a creative tension of a vision and possibility for a better future.
Leaders influence people by unleashing their powers and potentials to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

Rural Women In Leadership is about empowering women(you) to unleash personal vitality and leadership potential. The Coaching Centre ensure economic and social change, a sustainable culture and deep impact enabling your clear purpose in rural Australia.

Rural Women In Leadership in 2018

The Rural Women In Leadership second intake in 2018 coming soon. The Program duration is one evening a week over 10 weeks, from 5.30pm-9.30pmish. A modified version of the full 12 day Rural Women In Leadership, with an incredible offer we are providing this program at only $899 (Full standard rate $4699). Rural Women In Leadership is Certified Training.
Contact us now to reserve your seat

Develop effective communication skills to get a clear and concise message across whilst reducing misunderstanding. This includes empowering other people through efficient and effective communication;

dealing with difficult and negative people (including employees); utilizing assertive communication skills whilst being polite; managing conflict and building worthwhile relationships with others. Learn how to communicate by intention.

Build evidence based strategies and tools for use on farms and farming communities.

Stage 1 – Coaching Essentials

Coaching Essentials builds facilitation skills, rapport and calibration skills, high level listening and supporting skills, state management, receiving feedback and relationship competence through applied facilitative models.Would you like to develop a deep understanding and experience leading change in rural NSW? Are you looking for strong networks with like-minded people and an opportunity to grow personally and professionally in areas of your life that you are passionate about?

Come and appreciate learner centred training and develop evidence based confidence so you can put your hand up for leadership. Are you ready to gain life-long learning and wealth creation principles for profitability and positivity?
Are you interested in applying more leadership capacity, critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence ? Grow in a supportive group and enjoy a central practice space to continue building your skills.

Stage 2 – Self Leadership

Learn how to manage your state of mind without giving up your uniqueness. Self Leadership provides you with strategic steps to emotional intelligence including self awareness, self regulation, self monitoring, self management. Keep your uniqueness without the suffering and explore emotional intelligence as a model. Apply 14 practical activities for the keys to self leadership.

Stage 3 – Unleashing Leadership

Unleashing Leadership is a program for women designed specifically for rural women in nsw who are willing to live in the freedom to choose their state of mind and a place absent of their own suffering. Learn to develop a peak performance company whilst leading self-actualization and becoming the leader you can be. Would you like to engage your ideas with support and inspiration from leading experts in resilience, collaboration, facilitation and unleashing leadership? Acquire leadership competency now through the most rigorous leadership benchmarks in the world, right here in Central NSW at The Coaching Centre.
Learn human gratification distinctions for a higher quality life. To thrive at ones best is to learn coping strategies and meet human drives. Discover the Meaning and Performance Quadrants. Learn how to use the model for peak experiences to actualise your higher purpose. This alignment enables greater resilience, energy and vitality to live with optimum leadership capacity.


The world has always been a world of change, process, and progress, but now…A 3 day program

Unleashing Leadership

We need good leaders. Leaders who care about people.
A 3 day program

Collaborative Leadership

Work with cooperation and the foundation of collaborative leadership. A 3 day program

Coaching Essentials

Develop professional communication skills to accelerate leadership capacity
A 3 day program

Our Mission

To deliver leading edge human developmental models and technology that transcend and include excellence and leadership capacity for rural women in NSW. We do this by deepening the impact of abundance in life to free women from unnecessary suffering. A self reflexive health focus at levels individually, collectively and systemically.
Leadership is evidenced based and experienced through models of the meta-coach system for operating at the highest and best ethical and professional standards anywhere in the world. Grounded in cognitive science, developmental psychology, self-actualization psychology and Neuro-Semantics. Our models are designed with experiential application worldwide to ensure you reach your highest and best potentials.

The Coaching Centre Promise

Our promise is we will provide you with the highest quality self leadership programs in Australia, backed with international certification.

The Coaching Centre Connection