Embrace The Fluidity Of "Personality"

EMBRACE THE FLUIDITY OF “PERSONALITY” ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD and Shawn Dwyer ~ If the question came up once, it came up several times, this year. The question? Something about “personality.” “Is that the way some people just are?” “What about […]


~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ I am not going to say, “There are two kinds of people …” and then set up a polarization. But I will re-iterate a basic principle in Self-Actualization Psychology and say this, “There are two levels […]

Name Calling Shuts Down Healthy Thinking

Primitive Thinking that Shuts Thinking Down All politicians all do it. At least, I can’t think of a single politician who doesn’t do it. Yet in name-calling, they are actually practicing a very primitive form of thinking. Rather it is one that is appropriate for […]

The Self-Actualizing Genius State

The Self-Actualizing Genius State ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ What does a person actually do or experience when he or she self-actualizes? Maslow identified eight things that we could add to our list of prerequisites for the “genius” state. In fact, […]

What does self-actualization mean?

What does self-actualization mean? Written by Shawn Dwyer When a person is fully functioning in life, at their best and capable to maintain the human drives, they are said to be fulfilling their needs, self-actualizing. Human potential includes the higher needs which are in fact […]

To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead

∼ Co-Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Shawn Dwyer ∼ To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead As a leader how do you coach effectively and interact with work colleagues and clients? This article will explain by using coaching skills that we are able […]


You- A Temporal Being Living in Time – The Time Matrix In the Matrix Model, we have distinguished five aspects of self, time is one such aspect. As a review, we first have your value or worth (i.e.,self-esteem) and identity, these are in the Self […]

Positive Intention

Every Behaviour Has a Positive Intention ~ Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall Understanding Positive Intention with the use of basic NLP concepts deal with human nature and are stated in the following forms: “Every behavior is useful in some context.” “Every behavior has a positive intention.” […]