What does self-actualization mean?

What does self-actualization mean? Written by Shawn Dwyer When a person is fully functioning in life, at their best and capable to maintain the human drives, they are said to be fulfilling their needs, self-actualizing. Human potential includes the higher needs which are in fact […]

Unpacking The Depth Of Coaching Conversations

~Written by Michael Hall~ Unpacking The Depth And Finding The Critical Things In A Coaching Conversation If you start from the idea that hidden inside of your client’s statement are much deeper references, then you will more likely to slow the coaching conversation down and […]

Challenge in 5 Dimensions

~Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall~ As a Professional you can know that we frame the coaching skills in terms of two seemingly contradictory values- compassion and challenge. You also know that an ideal coach, an expert coach, is a person who has developed the skill of […]

Unrecognised Persuasion Techniques

~ Written by Dr.L Michael Hall ~ If there is a constant in the field of persuasion, it is searching for the latest persuasion technique. Having read dozens and dozens of books on persuasion in research and preparation for the book I wrote, Inside-Out Persuasion, […]


NLP: WHAT IS NLP REALLY ? ~By Dr.L.Michael Hall~ As you consider in the Matrix movie, Morpheus asked Neo when they first met, “Do you want to know what it is?” Neo answered with a question, “What is the Matrix?” The question here is, “What […]

To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead

∼ Co-Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Shawn Dwyer ∼ To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead As a leader how do you coach effectively and interact with work colleagues and clients? This article will explain by using coaching skills that we are able […]


You- A Temporal Being Living in Time – The Time Matrix In the Matrix Model, we have distinguished five aspects of self, time is one such aspect. As a review, we first have your value or worth (i.e.,self-esteem) and identity, these are in the Self […]