Embrace The Fluidity Of "Personality"

EMBRACE THE FLUIDITY OF “PERSONALITY” ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD and Shawn Dwyer ~ If the question came up once, it came up several times, this year. The question? Something about “personality.” “Is that the way some people just are?” “What about […]

Super-Charge Your Ego-Strength

SUPER-CHARGE YOUR EGO-STRENGTH ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD and Shawn Dwyer, ACMC ~ What we call ego-strength is the strength that a person has in his or her sense of self to look reality in the face without blinking. It is the […]


~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ I am not going to say, “There are two kinds of people …” and then set up a polarization. But I will re-iterate a basic principle in Self-Actualization Psychology and say this, “There are two levels […]


~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ I started out the day intent on counting the total number of decisions that I tyically make within the time frame of one day. My first decision occurred when I sensed morning light coming into the […]

limiting belief

Childhood Perception Part 1 – Limiting Beliefs Written by Shawn Dwyer at The Coaching Centre Limiting beliefs involve the specific cognitive style of processing information. When unconscious parts form or limiting beliefs originate, they result from the brain operating in certain ways. These parts, or […]

Learn NLP in Orange Regional NSW

Learn How To Run Your Own Brain With NLP At The Coaching Centre NLP communication has been around for many decades yet people still have not heard of what NLP can do to increase the quality of life. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and […]

Name Calling Shuts Down Healthy Thinking

Primitive Thinking that Shuts Thinking Down All politicians all do it. At least, I can’t think of a single politician who doesn’t do it. Yet in name-calling, they are actually practicing a very primitive form of thinking. Rather it is one that is appropriate for […]

MCF Online

The Meta-Coach System and MCF Online MCF online. First of all the Meta-Coach System® provides the most cutting edge communication training available in the world today for Professional Coaches and any individual or organisation committed to rich relationships and success. Also the Meta-Coach System is […]

The Self-Actualizing Genius State

The Self-Actualizing Genius State ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ What does a person actually do or experience when he or she self-actualizes? Maslow identified eight things that we could add to our list of prerequisites for the “genius” state. In fact, […]