for developing the kind of relationships with eating and exercising that gives us health, energy and vitality.

Self-Actualizing Attitude

THE SELF-ACTUALIZING ATTITUDE Are you looking for a better way to view the world? Perhaps consider a Self-Actualizing attitude! Then to detail that self-actualizing attitude, the following are listed for your consideration. 1) An open attitude. Open to the possibilities and potentials that clamor within, […]

NLP Practitioner Meta NLP Practitioner Career and Life Coach


NLP as an attitude. “NLP is an attitude, backed up by a methodology that leaves behind it a trail of techniques” Now if that is true, and I think it is, then what is the NLP attitude? And do you have it? Many, if not a great many, people trained in NLP do not have the NLP attitude. What explains that? There is in my opinion an understandable reason why that is the case.


With Meta-Stating, You Have A Meta-Scape

A big misunderstanding of Meta-States is that it is just academic or intellectual. Wrong! It’s wrong because every state is dynamic—it is alive, moving, fluid and it is comprise of emotions and somatic commitments. To understand this, let’s start with something simple like the learning state. When you are in a learning state, what is occurring?


The “PROGRAMMING” Of NLP There are lots of people who do not like the programming term in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. What is their problem? They have a semantic reaction to programming as if it means, and can only mean or carry connotations of, being “controlled, fated, […]

Unleashing Vitality


~ Article by DrL.Michael Hall & Shawn Dwyer ~ When NLP began and before it was called NLP, it was called Meta. It was called Meta from 1971 to 1975 before it received the new name, Neuro-Linguistic Programming in 1976. Why Meta? Because of the […]

Ego Investment and Coaching

When A Coach’s Needs Get In Your Clients Way – Ego ~ Article by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Mr Shawn Dwyer  ~ It can happen. Your needs, drives, and unfinished issues can get in the way of your client reaching his or her goals or even experiencing an effective coaching session. […]