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Men Changing With Families a human development program to develop men with families as role models through intentionally changing the trajectory, reconnecting men to their own healthy beliefs and purpose, cultural values,  realign patterns of human nature with modeling expertise, identify triggers that proceed to unresourceful emotions, and fundamentally transform the internal causes for individual attitudes and behaviours.

Men Changing With Families engages multi-dimensional levels; individual being, cultural, objective and systemically to unleash men to be the healthiest men they can become. For creating personal leadership direction and building the family inspiration men desire with themselves, families, communities for now and in the future.

The program is culturally appropriate for Aboriginal men and provides support for the man, their families and communities, incorporating elder cultural values connections and individual reflective practices each week.

Emotional awakening and support is really key. All parties need to feel better about themselves developing sustainable personal growth. A program originally derived from general semantics and self actualizing psychology that includes defined progressive indicators for cognitive, emotional and social aspects for lifelong learning and progress.  Including topics relevant to all men

For program inclusions please contact us  0439194323


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