When You Deal with a Short-Term Thinker

~ Article by Shawn Dwyer and Dr.L.Michael Hall ~ Short-term thinkers- these are the people who focus on the short-term benefits, gains, and results when going after a goal. This would be a good thing except that they are so focused on the short-term, they do […]


~ Article by Shawn Dwyer – Meta-Coach President International ~ Anxiety, what is it really? Recently I’ve been working on material, patterns and practices for coaching anxiety in clients. Part of the process required research into the human orders and their description under our current health […]


~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Pseudo-Decisions There are decisions and then there are things which pass for “decisions” yet which are not real decisions. They are pseudo-decisions. They often and usually seem like a decision in some respects, but actually they […]


[facebook] ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Do You Give It Your All? You hear it all the time- “Give it your all!” “Go for the gold.” “Second place is for losers.” “You’ve got to be a 110% person.” Even book titles […]