To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead

∼ Co-Written by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Shawn Dwyer ∼ To Coach Effectively, You Have To Match And Lead As a leader how do you coach effectively and interact with work colleagues and clients? This article will explain by using coaching skills that we are able […]

Group & Team Coaching

The power and potential of Teams: “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Every business is, by definition, a group. Therefore the success of every business is dependent upon the […]

Supportive Leadership – Part 7

Supportive Leadership Part 7 In this 7 part Supportive Leadership series, we will go through the leadership skills you require to be an effective business leader, manager and a highly effective communicator. META-NLP would not be meta if it wasn’t for the Meta-States model. This […]


      Businesses in NSW report they are looking at reducing operational costs. We realise many people know how to work on their business to reduce waste and therefore reduce costs, though they do not understand what it takes to complete a successful business […]

Supportive Leadership – Part 6

In this 7 part Supportive Leadership series, we will go through the leadership skills you require to be an effective business leader, manager and a highly effective communicator. To move to a well-formed outcome we gauge the distance and difference between present state and desired […]

Supportive Leadership – Part 4

In this 7 part Supportive Leadership series, we will go through the leadership skills you require to be an effective business leader, manager and a highly effective communicator. In communication, we communicate from a state to a state. This makes states critical and our ability […]

Self Leadership Mindfulness

META-STATES IS MINDFULNESS Mindfulness results from meta-stating. That’s because when you meta-state you are stepping back (metaphorically) from yourself and your experiencing and becoming aware of your experience. You can do that right now. Right now you are reading about the process of meta-stating (bringing […]

Receiving Feedback

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” -Ken Blanchard • Do you receive personal and informal feedback like a pro? • How does a professional receive feedback that shaped their skills into expertise? Almost no one has been trained in taking feedback effectively. So most of […]

What ever happened to abundance?

Abundance and Scarcity Applied to the Regional Community Whatever Happened To ‘Abundance’? Did the Scarcity Meme Gobble it Up? As you look out onto “the community” does it strike you (as it does me) that we have an abundance of the Scarcity Model and a […]

Giving Feedback

Is Feedback On The Daily Menu? Feedback works like a mirror – it mirrors back what and how we are doing Giving Quality Feedback While we call feedback “the breakfast of champions”, most of us do not include it on our daily menu. While we […]