Seven Distinctions Of A Professional Communicator

~ Article by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Mr Shawn Dwyer  ~ While many people don’t seem to know what NLP is, the answer actually is very simple.  Most essentially NLP is a Communication Model and, Neuro-Semantics, as a development within NLP for higher quality and professionalism, is most essentially an […]

Cognitive Fallacies In Everyday Language

~ Article by Dr.L.Michael Hall and Mr Shawn Dwyer  ~ In ancient times, tribunals accused certain persons (usually women) of being “witches.” If a woman denied that she was a witch, the denial was used as proof that she was a witch. The reasoning was this, […]

Competance – The Solution

FOR GENDER BIAS, RACIAL BIAS, SEXUAL BIAS, ETHNIC BIAS AND EVERY OTHER BIAS When it comes to biases— especially the social biases that dominate almost all human societies, competence is the solution. Consider how we have solved the problem of gender bias in The Coaching Centre. There is not a single […]


~ Article by Shawn Dwyer and Dr.L.Michael Hall ~ Warning: Global Thinking. A larger crisis on Planet Earth than global warming is global thinking. When a person generalizes (or over-generalize) that person engages in a kind of thinking that often prevents one from actually “thinking.” That’s […]


~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD and Shawn Dwyer ~ Modelling to get to first base? What is it that you’re attempting to do when you work with a client? Think for a moment how you would answer that question… Okay, here is mine. First […]

Are Your Meta-Cognitive Powers Wimpy?

~ Article written by Shawn Dwyer and L. Michael Hall PhD ~ There is “thinking,” and then there is real thinking.  Most thinking is System-1 thinking- the fast thinking of Kahneman which is automatic, easy, inevitable, and without effort. You do this kind of “thinking” […]


~ Article written by Shawn Dwyer and L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Just as a person can get out of control, so can thinking.  Thinking can get out of control.  Nor is that all that uncommon.  It may happen to you, or someone you love, […]


~ Thinking Article written by Shawn Dwyer and L. Michael Hall PhD ~ Most people do not “think.” Most of the time you are not thinking!  Does that strike you as shocking? Or does it not shock you because you simply do not believe them? Of course, it […]


~ Article written by Shawn Dwyer and L. Michael Hall PhD ~ “In my opinion … As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.” Albert Einstein […]

Super-Charge Your Ego-Strength

SUPER-CHARGE YOUR EGO-STRENGTH ~ Article written by L. Michael Hall PhD and Shawn Dwyer, ACMC ~ What we call ego-strength is the strength that a person has in his or her sense of self to look reality in the face without blinking. It is the […]