Creative Solutions

Getting To The Thinking Behind Words

GETTING TO THE THINKING BEHIND THE WORDS ~By Shawn Dwyer and Dr Michael.Hall~ Perhaps the most obvious thing about coaching is that to coach you have to use words. Since coaching is a conversation, you begin a “coaching conversation” by asking a question,”What do you […]

Self actualisation coaching

Why Train Self -Actualisation In Companies?

What is Training Self-Actualisation for Companies? Training self-actualisation for companies entails a transformative approach to organisational development, emphasising holistic growth, and alignment with purpose. This is not for the faint hearted, and we provide the caveat alot of courage will be required to lives congruently. […]

NLP Practitioner Meta NLP Practitioner Career and Life Coach

Career and Life Coach

Make A Difference In The World Career coaching is for you at any stage of your life and career to discover your unique personal style, strengths, skills and interests so that you end up with a truly satisfying role. Customise specific knowledge and skills for […]

Creative Solutions

Civil Conversations

We all know tht NLP is a communication model. It is also a linguistic model and specifically, a neuro-linguistic model-we study how language affects neurology. When you study NLP, you study the Meta-Model and learn how words work to create experiences, emotions, and sense of […]



Neuro–Semantic Leadership at The Coaching Centre Neuro-Semantics is a field of study that focuses on how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected. It proposes that by changing our internal dialogue, we can change the way we perceive and interact with the world, ultimately improving […]